Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wording Ideas For Alice In Wonderland Tea Party

learning out of compulsory education? Carle

While any high school reform triggered protests, debates and controversies, the reform of vocational training was held in complete media and political indifference. The bill was passed by Parliament on October 13 with discretion.

It is the proposal for students fifteen years to continue their education in an Apprentice Training Centre to prepare a learning project.

"Art. L. 337-3-1. - The apprentice training centers can accommodate for a period exceeding one year, students who have attained the age of fifteen years to enable them to follow in the school, a sandwich course designed to introduce them to an environment Professional corresponding to a proposed entry into apprenticeship. "
Art 13 a BB.

Why 15 years, while education is compulsory up to age 16? Why this insistence on making out of school youth?

To believe that the Senators who have added this article have not taken note of the specific objectives of the College, the last stage of education common: develop a "common base of knowledge and skills." This vocation of the College offers a beautiful view, the out to end relegation chains (transition classes, CPPN, fourth and third techno) that prevented the operation of a college truly unique.

So we have to remind the international observers, which converge to the same conclusion: the education systems to streams, those that separate the young before the end of compulsory schooling, are not only the most unequal, but also less effective, and those that produce more failures.

What some express bluntly: "If you separate the good and bad, so you do not increase the level of good, you are much lower than the bad, and therefore the company loses in the end. (
Dubet , interview in Le Nouvel Observateur, 27.08.2009)

Learning is a promising avenue for training when you're with a good teacher learning ... So why make a backdoor for students who do not know why they are in college, for parents who have lost all confidence in the school, for teachers who do not know how to hold the attention of their students.

It would be more responsible, politically speaking, to mobilize all stakeholders on the need to complete the education of everyone, and seek ways to successfully port the education of all our youth, in short, s ensure that the principle of equality is at work in our education system!


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