Monday, May 25, 2009

Linsey Hardcore Planetsuzy

Support Committee Sebastian Rome ...

Support Committee Sebastian Rome and personal "disobedient" - Constituency Lodève

We the undersigned members of the committee to support Sebastian Rome and called disobedient teachers declare that we are outraged by the penalty imposed on Mr. Rome (16 days of withdrawal of salary for disobedience "in the first instance, in the case, failure to service obligations).

Mr. Rome has indicated publicly its concerns about the ongoing reforms in Education, with 383 of his colleagues, in a letter dated Dec. 17 addressed to the Inspector of Academy of Herault. He expresses particular critical of the implementation of personalized assistance, mentioned by the minister to believe in the merits of the abolition of many positions RASED.

The sanctions imposed by the Inspector of Schools we seem unfair in several respects:

they apply only a small number of staff deemed disobedient, "leaving out of Other personal "disobedient "And exhibiting a completely arbitrary treatment of individuals. The public service should be an example of fairness, School Inspector of Herault provides a sad example of the contrary.

the withdrawal of a day's pay to 30 minutes of service not actually ever been made without verification of the service day by day seems disproportionate even illegal. It seeks to intimidate teachers by suffocating financially.

These sanctions are a brutal response which shows the tension of the hierarchy on which the reforms only purpose is the reduction of operating costs of Education at the expense of less fortunate children. We argue instead for a broad dialogue that will finally be heard proposals from the field actors.

Accordingly, we express our full solidarity with Mr. Rome and solemnly ask the Inspector of the Academy of Hérault to reconsider its position in order to build together a better public school for tomorrow.

Pending this shift, we welcome the financial support of the staff sanctioned. Checks payable to Agenda SNUipp back and mentioning "désobéisseurs solidarity" can be sent to the following address:

SNUipp-FSUMaison unions
474, avenue Henri II de Montmorency 34000 MONTPELLIER


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